Women who breastfeed have elevated levels of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates milk production. For some women, the increase in this hormone can cause a decrease in sex drive.
Your body also produces less estrogen when nursing, and this can result in vaginal dryness--a definite party pooper in the lust department. A vaginal lubricant or estrogen cream can remedy that.
But with three young kids, it's more likely that exhaustion and lack of sleep are putting the kibosh on your sexy feelings. Maybe some changes in your lifestyle and sleep habits can have you sleeping like a baby.
Also make sure you're consuming enough calories (breastfeeding burns about 500 extra calories a day), and don't forget a multivitamin.
You might want to have your thyroid function and iron levels checked with a simple blood test. Both an under- and overactive thyroid can cause fatigue. Low iron is associated with anemia, a big energy zapper.
For now, try to find other ways to express emotional intimacy and affection with your husband. Share a video or a quiet dinner after the kids are in bed. Talk to him about what gets in the way of wanting to be sexual, and enlist his help in finding ways around them. Schedule some time off to recharge your batteries. If you need to become reacquainted with each other, make more "play dates" for you and him.
source: http://www.prevention.com/
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